International Baccalaureate Program PHUHS


New Page Title | The IB Hexagon | 4-year plan (revised 8/25/2001) | Our School | Admissions | Attitudes and Skills of a successful IB student | Where have they gone? | Academics - Language A | Academics - Language B | Academics - Mathematics | Academics - Biology | Academics - Chemistry | Academics - Physics | Academics - Individuals and Societies | Academics - Psychology | Academics - Theatre | Theory of Knowledge | CAS | Extended Essay | Examinations and the Award of the Diploma and Certificates | College Admissions and the IB Student | College Credits and the IB Student | The IB Program and College Recognition | Scholarship/Financial Aid Opportunities | Activities | Calendar of College Entrance Exams | Directions | IB FAQs | Websites for college and financial aid information | Florida Bright Futures 2002 Scholarship Program | Contact Us
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